Space Leather Srl

Space Leather Srl (hereinafter "Space Leather"), cares about the protection of your personal data and respect for your privacy.

Así es como lo hacemos:

Our duty and your privacy:

This information concerns you if you are already one of our customers, if you are registered on our site, if you are subscribed to our newsletter or if you are visiting our website.


Quiénes somos:

In the management of your data relating to the registration activities on the site and for sale of products, the data controllers are Space Leather Srl with headquarters in 00166 Rome (RM) Via Gregorio XI, 12 VAT: 12704191001 that manages your data.

In the management of your data in relation to promotional and marketing activities, the data controller is Space Leather.

Nuestra responsabilidad:

If you are already a customer, you are recorded or are simply visiting the website, or you are subscribed to our newsletter, we inform you that your data will be legitimately processed according to our decisions regarding the methods and purposes of the treatment itself .

Su compromiso:

We just ask you to carefully read this information to be fully informed about the ways in which we treat your personal data.

When and how we collect your personal data:

As soon as you interact with, we start collecting data. Their collection can take place both through your specific communication, and in automatic method during the use of the website.

Here's how the collection takes place:

The type of data we collect:


Your name and surname, the shipping and billing address, telephone number, e-mail address.

Datos de identificación

Your IP address, login information, type and version of the browser, time zone, types of plug-ins, geolocation information about the place where you could find you, operating system and related versions, etc.

Data relating to the use of

Your browsing path within the website (Clickstream Analysis), your views of products and services, loading and response times of the pages, download errors, duration of navigation, behavior and other actions, etc. ..

And what about sensitive data?

We do not collect any type of sensitive data that may concern you (i.e. those personal data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union belonging, genetic data, biometric data, health data or sexual life or sexual orientation).

¿Por qué recogemos sus datos?

We can process your data only for certain reasons and, in any case, always in the presence of a legal base that allows us to do it. That's why we treat your data:

Use of the Site and Management of Services:

The data are processed to allow registration to the Site, access and execution of the services reserved for registered users and any sending through the site of a purchase order of the products available on the Site with the consequent conclusion with Space Leather del Del relative purchase contract, including any administrative and accounting formalities. In this case, the legal basis consists of the contract and legitimate interest.

Customer support

Communication of the changes of our services, customer support via live chat, telephone or e-mail, including the correction of any bugs. In this case, the legal basis constituted by the contract.


The data are processed for the sending of advertising material and newsletters, to carry out commercial information activities, by telephone, SMS, e -mail, as well as with traditional methods (e.g. sending catalogs by paper mail), on promotional and commercial initiatives by Space Leather, for carrying out market research and investigations for the detection of customer satisfaction. In this case the legal basis consisting of your consent.


At the sole purpose of proposing offers as far as possible in line with your interests we will perform some analyzes on aggregated data without carrying out any profiling activities on your specific habits. In this case the legal basis consists of the legitimate interest.

In any case, there is no automated decision -making process that concerns you.

Qué entendemos por base jurídica:


It is the authorization for the processing of your personal data for a specific purpose.

You can change your mind when you want!

You can revoke your consent at any time, sending us an e-mail to the following addresses: [email protected] 

If you decide to revoke your consent and there are no other reasons that authorize us to process your personal data, we will cease the processing. Instead, if another legal basis authorized us, we would continue the treatment by always respecting your rights.

El contrato

The processing of your data is necessary for preliminary purchase information and for the execution of the relative contract.

El interés legítimo

The processing of your data is possible on the basis of our legitimate interests or those of third parties, as long as they do not prevail over your rights and freedoms. Legitimate interests may concern:

  • collection of information from your behavior on our website and/or applications;
  • prestar, desarrollar y mejorar nuestros servicios;
  • permitirnos mejorar, personalizar o modificar nuestros servicios y ofertas;
  • verify the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns;
  • mejorar la protección de datos.

How do we treat your data:

The processing of data takes place in predominantly electronic methods, with the exception of the shipping activities of the products that can also be performed with manual tools.

Your choices and rights:

Sus opciones

You can decide not to communicate your data to us

En este caso, podrá seguir navegando por nuestro sitio, pero no podremos prestarle ningún servicio sin sus datos personales.

You can deactivate cookies by changing browser settings

You can block cookies by setting your browser in order to prevent their memorization. You can also delete cookies directly from your browser settings. If you deactivate cookies, you can continue to navigate on our site, but some of our services may not work correctly. To find out more, consult the Cookie Policy.

You can ask us not to use your data for marketing reasons

Before starting the processing, we will make sure about our possible intention of using your data for marketing reasons and (if necessary) of the involvement of third parties. You can revoke your consent to the reception of promotional messages by clicking on the appropriate link that you will find in our every communication or by sending us an e-mail to the following addresses: [email protected]

Sus derechos

You can always exercise your rights by sending us an e-mail to the following addresses: [email protected]

You have the right to access the information concerning you

This involves the right to ask us more information about:

  • the categories of data we treat;
  • the purposes of the treatment;
  • the categories of any recipients to whom the data could be communicated;
  • the period of storage of the data or, in the absence, the criteria for determining this period;
  • the other rights regarding the use of your data.

We will provide you with information within one month of your request, unless this prejudices the rights and freedoms of other subjects (for example the confidentiality of another person or intellectual property rights) or if there are legal obligations that EC they prevent it. We will inforce you in the event that you cannot satisfy your request for these reasons.

You have the right to obtain the correction of your data, if inaccurate or not updated

You have the right to obtain the cancellation of your personal data (right to oblivion)

You can, at any time, ask us to delete your personal data in our possession, in the event that the conservation of your personal data was no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing.

Tiene derecho a transferir sus datos a otro operador (portabilidad de datos)

We will provide you with a copy of your data in interoperable format if you want to transfer them to another operator. In case of your request and if technically possible, we will transfer the data directly to the new operator. We will not proceed to any transfer, in the event that the portability of your data also involves the dissemination of the personal data of other individuals.

You have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data carried out by us

You can always contact the control authority to propose your any complaints. Before doing this, contact us as well! We will be happy to solve all any problems relating to the processing of your personal data.

You have the right to oppose the use of your data through automated decisions, including profiling

We could use your data to identify the potentially relevant information for you (for example, send you personalized e-mails based on your preferences detected). Otherwise, we will use your data just to provide you with our services.

We guarantee your rights even if we treat your personal data on behalf of third parties

If we treat your data on behalf of third parties, we guarantee that requests relating to the exercise of your rights will be transmitted to them without unjustified delay.

Which level of security do we adopt to process your data?

We guarantee that the processing of your data takes place in maximum security: we have in fact adopted physical, IT and organizational measures suitable for ensuring the protection of your data.

However, we must remind you that:

  • You tell us your data at your risk. We do everything but, unfortunately, at present there is no 100%confidence transmission.
  • You must always keep your username and password safe, you are the only one to meet them.
  • If you have the perception of having undergone a violation of your data, we invite you to contact us immediately to [email protected]

Where are your data kept?

Your data are processed within the European Union and in other data structures managed by third parties identified below.

From the moment you communicate your personal data, also consent to their transfer, their memorization and processing on our part.

If we had the need to transfer and/or memorize your data outside the EU, you will be adequately informed about it. Also in this case, we will take all the measures suitable to guarantee maximum protection.

¿Cuánto tiempo conservaremos sus datos?

We will cease the active processing of your data within 12 months from the latest use of the service or from the closure of your account, except for any legal obligations (e.g. sales invoices) do not require us to keep your data for a higher time. For the promotional activities to you, which you can always ask us to stop, we will keep your data for a maximum time of 24 months from your registration to the service.

Third parties that can process your data:

To carry out our online business we need to make use of third parties to host applications, communicate with customers, manage e-mails, etc. We assure you that this collaboration takes place with the best subjects on the market that provide this type of services. We share your data with them only when it is necessary to ensure the utmost functionality of our services and in accordance with the security measures and good practices described in this Privacy Policy.

For more information contact us at the following addresses: [email protected]

Política de galletas

We use cookies and other technologies to ensure the best possible experience while navigating. Therefore, during your interaction with we will place cookies in your device to store some information, including your preferences, the type of device you use, guaranteeing you more efficient operation of the site. You can always change your browser settings in order to refuse cookies. Some cookies are automatically eliminated at the end of the navigation session (so -called session cookies), while others remain stored in the terminals (persistent cookies).

In compliance with provision no. 229 issued by the guarantor for the protection of personal data on 8 May 2014, www.mvp provides the following information on cookies, their functions and how to eventually disable them.

Qué son las cookies

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send and record on his personal computer or any further device, even mobile, to then be retransmitted to the same sites on the next visit.
Cookies are used for different purposes: for example, to remember the user's actions and preferences (such as, for example, login data, the chosen language, the size of the characters, other display settings, etc.) so that they must not be indicated again when the user returns to visit called the site or sail from one page to another of it; or to carry out IT authentications, monitoring of sessions and storage of information regarding users' activities that access a site and may also contain a unique identification code that allows you to track the user's navigation within the site for statistical purposes or advertising.
Cookies can be sent from, or also by different sites (so -called third -party cookies).
Some operations could not be performed without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the same operation as the site.

Types of cookies on the website and their functions

Existen varios tipos de cookies, dependiendo de sus características y funciones:

- Technical cookies, which are used only to make the transmission of a communication on an electronic communication network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user. In other words, these are indispensable cookies for the functioning of or necessary to carry out activities you requested. This type of cookie is present on our site;
- Navigation or session cookies, used to allow you to log in in the reserved area of ​​ or to make a purchase on our site. This type of cookie is present on our site;
- Cookie Analytics, used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users of and of the pages displayed (for example Google Adwords, Google Analytics and Mailchimp. It is therefore recommended to consult over time, where more detail information is available:;;
This type of cookie is present on our site;
- Cookies of functionality, which allow you to browse the best in] according to the criteria and options already selected (such as, for example, the favorite language, so as not to have to select this option for each access or the products chosen for the purchase, in order to store them in the virtual cart until subsequent access to the site). This type of cookie is present on our site;
- third -party cookies, used by partners of, in order to present you with the advertising banners of when you are in other sites, showing you the latest products you have looked at While browsing on, these cookies are also used to show you products that may be interested in or similar to those you have previously looked at, based on your navigation history. The use of these cookies does not imply the processing of personal data, but can allow the connection to your computer or other devices and trace the saved data: these cookies connect to the browser installed on your computer or on other devices used while navigating on;

- profiling cookies, aimed at creating user profiles and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the field of navigation on the net. On our site there are third -party cookie analytics that access the data of users exclusively on an aggregate level. Below is the links to privacy polycies and related consent modules of these third parties, which can periodically change and which is therefore recommended to consult over time, where more detail information is available:;; . Use-of- Cookies- Similar-technologies#;
All types of cookies referred to above can remain on your computer or in the mobile device you used for different periods of time, depending on the function by the same. The following table shows all the cookies on the site, with the evidence of their specific characteristics, so that you can consciously decide whether to give consent to their use and which cookies possibly block or delete.
Cookies stored on your computer or mobile device cannot be used to recall any data from your hard disk, transmit computer viruses, identify and use your e-mail address, nor for purposes other than those described above.

How to change the cookies settings

You can set up and manage your preferences related to cookies at any time, selecting which cookies to authorize, block or delete, in whole or in part, directly through the Space Leather site or through the settings of your browser (i.e., the navigation program from used you).
a) Through the MVP Wardrobe site, you can choose to accept or refuse to receive the path to follow to manage cookies on our site for marketing/profiling purposes. If you choose to refuse this type of cookie, technical, analytics, navigation or session and functionality cookies will not be blocked. We remind you that the cookie preferences on the Space Leather website will not be active on other websites you may visit.

Through the settings from the following browsers:

Below we provide some brief instructions on how to change cookie settings through your browser tools, with particular reference to the four most popular navigation programs:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click the Tools icon in the top right corner and select Internet Options. In the pop up window, select Privacy. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies, adjusting the level of use of the same among the various options available.

Google Chrome
Click the Customize and Control Google Chrome icon; in the top right corner and select Settings. At this point select Show advanced settings and then, in the Privacy section, click on Content settings. In the pop up window that opens, by clicking Manage exceptions you can change the settings of your cookies, selecting or deselecting the cookies to keep active or to block.

Mozilla Firefox
From the drop-down menu in the top left corner, select Options. In the pop up window, select Privacy. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.

From the drop-down settings menu in the top right corner, select Preferences. Select Security and here you can adjust your cookie settings. We will store your cookie preferences thanks to a specific technical cookie with the characteristics specified in the previous table.

Internet Explorer: enable-or- allow-cookies



Firefox: and-disable- cookies-website-preferences

For more information and details on the various types of cookies, their modes of operation and characteristics, we invite you to visit the sites - free to access, independent of - and To disable analytical cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the Google Analytics deactivation browser add-on: We will store your cookie preferences thanks to a specific technical cookie with the characteristics specified in the previous table. We inform you that blocking or deleting, in whole or in part:
- technical cookies could make it impossible to use our site, view its contents and use the related services;
- functionality cookies, could mean that some services or certain functions of the site are not available or do not work properly, forcing you to modify or manually enter some information or preferences every time you visit the site;
- the other cookies present (analytics and profiling) will not affect the functioning of the site.

How can I block cookies?

You can block cookies simply by activating the setting on the browser that allows you to refuse the location of cookies. If you use browser settings to deactivate, refuse or block cookies (including essential ones), part of our website will not work completely. In some cases, our website may not even be accessible. We also intend that if third parties use cookies, we have no control over their use.


Thank you for reading this information that we have tried to make simple, clear and transparent. In any case, we always try to improve: if you have any suggestions, write to the following addresses: [email protected]

This information can change in the future: any modification will be communicated to you by e-mail, so that you can have the wider control of your data.